Disabled Access
There is a disabled toilet next to the other toilets which are all in the car park. A radar key is required – if you do not have your own please let us know in advance of your visit and we will make sure it is unlocked.
The Great Hall in the Castle, the garden and the shop are wheelchair accessible with no steps. There is one small step down to the Dining Room and the Groined Passage on the ground floor of the Castle, and about six steps up to the Oak Room on the ground floor of the Castle. There are two steps up to the table area of the tea room.
Mobility scooters are permitted in the grounds and the ground floor of the Castle.
There are 161 stairs on the tour of the Castle.
The Castle is a short walk from the car park (about 300 paces).
If you have a disabled passenger who is unable to walk from the car park to the Castle please drive them right up to the Castle before driving back out and parking in the car park. If you are a disabled driver (blue badge) you can park under the copper beech (near the shop). It would be very helpful if you could notify us in advance of your visit with details of your car including registration number.
If there is anything else you need to know please don’t hesitate to get in touch by email office@broughtoncastle.com.